The first-class quality and reliability of our products forms the basis for our customers’ satisfaction. In order to meet this quality standard, we systematically and continuously optimise the process chain of our product development and thus ensure our long-term success.
We understand the pursuit of excellent quality as a commitment of each and every employee. We achieve this objective with motivated and qualified employees and a continuous further development of our products and processes. Our suppliers make a significant contribution to the quality of our products and services. To meet the quality requirements, we work closely together with our suppliers throughout the entire procurement process.
MEILLER quality is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The effectiveness of our quality management system is evaluated at regular intervals.
Environmental Certificate according to EMAS
In 2016 an environmental expert audited the environmental management system that was newly established at MEILLER- Aufzugtüren GmbH for the first time.
The system, including the environmental statement, complies with the requirements set out in the Regulation (EC) 1221/2009.
Should you have any questions regarding our environmental statement, you can contact us at umwelt(at)meiller-aufzugtueren.de.